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最強Modern FunkレーベルMAGIC FUNK RECORDSからの名盤『Time Machine Gang/Outatime』、『Time Machine Gang/II』に参加した歌姫ANGIE GOODENが満を持して待望のボム作品を投下!!!ジャケもクールでとにかく内容も最高です!
A1. Feelin' Kinda Funky (Short Version)
A2. Feelin' Kinda Funky (Extended Version)
A3. Feelin' Kinda Funky (Instrumental version)
A4. Sometimes You Win (T-Groove Remix)
B1. Feelin' Kinda Funky (Stephane Deschezeaux Remix)
B2. It's You That I Choose
B3. Day And Night ( T-Groove Remix)
B4. Sometimes You Win (Instrumental Version)